November 22, 2011

what goes around comes around

notice that when you're...

insulting someone, no respect for you anymore
humiliating someone, someone is humiliating you back
hating someone, your friends are reducing
hurting someone when actually you are hurting yourself

in this world
what goes around comes around
so let's be nice people :)

November 19, 2011


today is the day that i finally decided to test the capability of my own photographic skill...which is not much and so noob..

so i present these to you. ;)

si anak ayam, sexy chick

dan kawan-kawan iaitu boyot dan miss aussie

they're best friends forever :)

ntah hape2....

November 17, 2011


help...aku nak exam ni..

November 16, 2011

try this!



November 13, 2011

Let's get inspired

November 12, 2011

one day...

he'll be a good photographer

November 11, 2011

thanks :)

syoknye semalam..
thanks tuan rumah for the great lunch,
great cekodok
great nugget
and almost all,
great hospitality
sorry i was too shy to talk
maybe i was born with short of words and expression
nnt saya datang lagi tanpa segan silu..
hahaha :X

telur mata kerbau kuning x masak terbaik :D