February 22, 2010

100 truths about myself


1. Last beverage: air sarsi sejuk
2. Last phone call: rizal budak plkn ganu..tah tiba2 je demam kot
3. Last text message: abah..nak makan apa bukak puasa?
4. Last song you listened to: spice girls - mama
5. Last time you cried: just now time tgk videoclip spice girls - mama..haha


6. Dated someone twice: kalau 3 org dikira 'date' x?
7. Been cheated on: pernah lah..manusia x perfect!
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: kiss?family kiss byk..buat apa nak regret..im proud of it;)
9. Lost someone special: hahahha..gi mampos ah weh!
10. Been depressed: yesssssssss jugak..time practical sbb xde kerja nak buat..haha
11. Been drunk and threw up: orang islam berdosa besar minum arak bodoh

12. maroon
13. black
14. apple green

15. Made a new friend: yes..ada la dlm 4 5 orang
16. Fallen out of love: yes..this should not be happening if i don't have a fb acc..menyesal add..haha
17. Laughed until you cried: laugh ada la..tp sampai menangis tu ada jugak kot.haha
18. Met someone who changed you: yes..terimakasih kepada beliau =)
19. Found out who your true friends were: yes...even now i'm still searching...
20. Found out someone was talking about you: yes..ceh ckp x serupa bikin.hipokrit
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: ada ke?nnt aku try la kat auzy ke, nabila ke, ochin ke?hahhaa
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: most of them
23. How many kids do you want?: ikut suami lah nk banyak mana..ahahaha bodoh ah soalan ni!
24. Do you have any pets: dulu ada turu,koko,snowy and spacio..tp semua dah innalillah
25. Do you want to change your name: no..bukan senang nak dapat nama universal..haha
26. What did you do for your last birthday: kena kuarantin kat rumah sbb h1n1..babiii!!
27. What time did you wake up today: 5:10am..
28. What were you doing at midnight: online
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: habis diploma
30. Last time you saw your Mother: dalam 20 minit yg lalu
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life : jadi kurus dan kurang tembam but we all know its not going to happen
32. What are you listening to right now : my own beautiful voice..hahaha
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no..toman pernah lah
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: jumaat cuti maulidur rasul!!!yahhoooo...
35. Most visited webpage: =)
36. Whats your real name: Nurul Nadia binti Iskandarshah
37. Nicknames: Nadia,Nad,tembab(musuh je panggil aku ni)
38. Relationship Status: waiting
39. Zodiac sign: leo
40. Male or female?: female
41. Primary School?: SRK Bandar Baru Bangi Jalan 2
42. Secondary School?: SMK Bandar Baru Bangi Jalan 2
43. High school/college?: College
44. Hair colour: Black
45. Long or short: sederhana
46. Height: 166cm
47. Weight: rahsia lah!2kg upp lagiii..haha
48: What do you like about yourself?: Nurul Nadia binti Iskandarshah..thats just it..i think i'm special to myself..haha
49. Piercings: non
51. Righty or lefty: I SAID NON!!!


52. First surgery: bakal
53. First piercing: abah x kasi tindik2
54. First best friend: ramai
55. First sport you joined: basketball
56. First vacation: lupa
58. First pair of trainers: xpaham


59. Eating: taufu fa
60. Drinking: air sarsi
61. I'm about to: makan ubat
62. Listening to: spice girls - mama
63. Waiting on: vacation with my best friends =)


64. What kids?: good and beriman type..ameen..
65. Get Married?: bila ada jodoh n sampai masa
66. Career?: engineering..network or software


67. Lips or eyes: both
68. Hugs or kisses: ntah

69. Shorter or taller: TALLER!!!
70. Older or Younger: older
71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontan
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: arms
73. Sensitive or loud: loud but not too loud coz it will turn out to be annoying
74. Hook-up or relationship: ntah
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: non of both


76. Kissed a stranger: yes..perempuan arab tu cium pipi dulu lepas tolong dia beli tiket kat kl central
77. Drank hard liquor: arak itu haram bodoh
78. Lost glasses/contacts: x pakai pun..
79. Sex on first date: astaghfirullah..
80. Broken someone's heart: i think i did..once or twice or triple time?.minta maaf is all i could say..huhu
82. Been arrested: belum lagi
83. Turned someone down: yes
84. Cried when someone died: yes..turu mati pun nangis dah gila2 ni apa lagi orang
85. Fallen for a friend?: yes..dulu2


86. Yourself: yes..all the time...
87. Miracles: yes..a bit
88. Love at first sight: ahh hampasgas!!!
89. Heaven: yes of course!
90. Santa Claus: ho ho ho
91. Kiss on the first date: yes but i hope it will not be happening to me
92. Angels: yes..rukun iman ke 2 tu!kan?


94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: no.. muka mcm aku x layak..haha
95. Did you sing today?: sing sing sing sing sing~...yes
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: yes..but most of the time ive cheated to myself..huhu..malu2 ^^;
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: 2002..time amek upsr..
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: ntah
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? : no..buat apa nak takut?(ckp besar)haha
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: yes if i hadn't change my mind yet..=)