October 29, 2011


Salam kpd pembaca blog aku yg minority skali viewer nye..serius korang sgt cool mcm aku..hahah..ahh pedulik hape org nak baca ke x..aku buat blog bukannye nk bg korg baca pon..(sounds pathetic)..

ok dah aku bukan nak cite pasal blog viewer or follower kat sini..skrg ni aku nak taip panjang2 skit sbb aku nk cerita pasal mentaliti org2 kita..penat aku taip, so jom baca ape aku taip!!

xde la pasal mende besar pon. tp pasal NARUTO!

Yes INDEED mmg aku minat tgk naruto dr zaman sekolah rendah lg..tp sbb masa sekolah rendah still budak2 so benda ni x jd isu sgt..tp bila naruto x habes2 lg smpai dah beratus2 episod n aku still lg follow tgk naruto dlm usia yg agak dewasa, so benda ni dah menjadi isu kepada org2 sekeliling yg tau aku minat naruto..even aku sendiri selalu kena bahan ngan member2 sbb layan naruto..tp let it be la kan sbb nama pon member..kena bahan tu biasala..THINK POSITIVE!!

Isu maturity, daya pemikiran, dan jantina menjadi persoalan kat sini..mmg betul aku tau x ramai perempuan yg minat naruto.sbb perempuan2 lebih minat ke arah KPOP, JPOP, mercun POP-POP and whatever POP-POP yang ada..stakat ni aku just share minat aku ngan laki2 je..korg nak tau x naruto tu xde pon die describe specific gender yg boleh tgk..its public so what's wrong about being a girl, or adult girl and watch naruto?at least kitorg x layan blue..(sorry pada yg terasa) alaa naruto pon dah besar kot sekarang so org yg layan xkan x membesar kot..in fact, majority yg melayan anime2 such as NARUTO, BLEACH, ONE PIECE & SLAM DUNK is not children, but golongan adult yg dah matured dah pon..so sape ckp org layan anime x matang? meh jumpa aku, nak uji gak kematangan korg ni..well it's clearly not our fault that naruto still x habes2 even smpai aku dah kawen nnt pon..masashi kishimoto punya pasal la ni..aku harap die sempat habiskan naruto sebelum die mati..seriously!!

Actually naruto sgt2 best if korg layan dr awal..byk moral value yg boleh kita dpt eventhough it's just an anime..cuba korg pike nape fans2 naruto still layan naruto even dorg dah kawen pon ada yg layan lagi??sbb naruto sgt2 best laa..mmg x dinafikan..x caye tgk sendiri..kalau nak, mintak kat aku..aku ada dr episod awal smpai latest..(nak promote) haha

Lelaki aku x kesah sgt sbb ramai yg layan naruto sama mcm aku..yg perempuan2 ni la..so yg x minat naruto tu, xyah la nak bahan2 sgt kan?everyone has their own interest and point of view on something..kalau aku bahan yg minat2 KPOP and whatever POP ni mesti korg touching gak kan..so sama la ngan kitorg..

As a conclusion, korg x boleh nak judge our maturity level based on something that we like..cmon la MALAYSIA is a free country!!(well it supposed to be) so guys!!!think outside the box..jgn sempit sgt pemikiran tu ok?if i can accpet you for the way you are, why can't you accept me for the way i am?

Let's be nice ppl..and don't make issue about this positive matter ok?

p/s : to all girls out there yg suka naruto or any anime jugak, sep2 kita sama..haha..don't be too humble bout it..it's something you can be proud of sbb kita still setia melayan beratus2 episod smpai kita besar..ahaha..and trust me, if ppl think you're wierd, it's not that, coz actually, THEY THINK WE're DIFFERENT ;)